Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Final Summit

The Final Summit By Andy Andrews
In this book David Ponder is brought to the final summit by the Archangel Gabriel.  The final summit being in Heaven.    David is chose because mankind needs help and he needs to figure out the solution.  He is chose along with other "travelers" that include Winston Churchill, Joan of Arc, & Anne Frank. 

I did struggle getting into this book and found out after reading it that Andy Andrews wrote The Travelers Gift - which if the first book in this set - so I think if I had read that I might have enjoyed the beginning of this book a bit more.  Once I got into the book I felt as excited as David & the Travelers were every time that they came up with an answer because it seemed they were right - you'd think "yes" that has to be the solution!!!!  I did get a bit bored with some of the history in the book as I just personally am not a big fan of history information like that.  I was getting a bit bored again towards the end but overall the end was worth the read!!!!  I am glad I read the book overall!

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