Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wishcasting Wednesday.

This weeks Wishcasting Wednesday is: How do you wish to sparkle!

When I heard the word sparkle the first thing I think of is the snow at night when the moon shines upon the clean white snow and how it sparkles - each snowflake sparkles and is unique and different and as you move you see a new snowflake sparkle - I think that's how each one of us is - we all sparkle in our own way - sometimes it takes longer to see someones sparkle than another - but we can each sparkle - and we are each unique and are right where we are meant to be!

I love the word sparkle and think we each have our own way to sparkle - some in jobs, some in families, some in hobbies, sports or activities!  This made me start to think how do I want to sparkle?!  I want to be that sparkly person that people are drawn to, the one that makes a difference! 

I loved reading all the other blogs out there and reading how others want to sparkle!  I wish that for each of you!!!!!


  1. So sweet...
    As you wish this for yourself and others, I wish this for you as well :]

  2. Our own unique true! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!

  3. Sparkling is contagious..may you enjoy sparkling and inspire others to do so..... as you wish for yourself i wish for you also.

  4. We do all sparkle in our own way. What a great way to look at people. As Lacey wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.

  5. Make a difference. Great wish. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  6. Very nice! As Lacey wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.
